sexta-feira, 18 de março de 2011

We Hate it !

First of all, I wanna make clear that I AM AN ENGLISH STUDENT , and you maybe are one as well, right ?
So, I'm sure that you have already lived in a situations like that, there are someone reading any SHIT, and then that person see a word in english, and ask you:

- O QUE SIGNIFICA " strawberry " EM PORTUGUÊS ? ( For example )

Well, of course you know, then you smile, and say:


But, this person, cotinue reading, until to find another word, look for you with a sarcastic face, and ask:


He ask you the FUCK of word that you do not have idea, but why does he ask ? why ? tell me --'

Then, you say :


But, the Son of a !@#$%¨&* not delighted says:

- COMO NÃO SABE ? Você não estuda Inglês ?

In that situation, four verbs comes in your head, to kill, to kick, to choke and to punch, isn't it ?
They do not understand the fact of we are studying english, do not means that we know all words, me, for example, I have a poor vocabulary, a lot of times it happens with me, I have already though about walking armed.

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