I've just created this blog ( March 14th 2011) , but you are maybe asking for yourself, what fuck is that Blog ?
Well, firstly, I've got to say, that I did it based on a book called "Como não aprender Inglês", by: Michael A Jacobs.
" Devido a sua grande experiência em ensinar inglês, em empresas e escolas de línguas, Michael focaliza
em seu livro as principais dificuldades e erros que os falantes nativos de português cometem quando
aprendem inglês. As seções são intercaladas com anedotas engraçadas e didáticas. Um elemento forte no livro são as ATITUDES, nas quais o autor tenta encorajar uma atitude menos passiva por parte dos estudantes brasileiros. O aprendiz de línguas tem de dedicar tempo, esforço e dar uma grande parte de se quiser aprender bem ".
I guess I have already talked so much about Michael A Jacobs, cause the Blog is mine, isn't it ?
So, who am I ?
My name is Igor Rosendo, I'm 18, I've been studying english since 2007, but I've been loving it since I was born, everyday, and every time, all the things I do is thinking in english, every word I say, I translate it for myself, or if I don't know what is the meaning of this word in english, of course I get a dictionary, or I use the google translate, lol, yes, yes, I also use the google translate.
Well, I have a lot of doubts, I usually take off it, asking for my friends who are also studying english, and for me, that is the best way to take away the doubts, cause when we talk about something, we remember a situation, or something like that, that make us realize the word or the rule, and never forget it.
This blog is such a tool, to take out the doubts and give some tips, so, if you have a doubt, ask, if you have a tip, please, please and p..... tell me.
However, thanks for reading, enjoy it, and invite your friends who is crazy for english like us.
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